2025 New Year’s Evolution

2025 New Years Resolutions Day One
Day One Becomes Day 365 in No Time!

The start of a brand-new year is like the first page of a lovely, unmarked journal. What will one fill it with? You can make 2025 memorable, meaningful, and, most of all, of great impact. How? By taking charge of your OWN life in measurable ways.

When people evaluate their lives, taking stock of the ways in which they spend their time, money and talents, some may come away satisfied. Others may look into their glass of champagne at midnight on January 31st with a touch of longing. This blog post, my dear friends, is for the latter group. If there is a new year, then there can, most assuredly, be a new you in the offing.

Three-hundred-and-sixty-five days. That’s what 2025 will offer. On day one, make a list of measurable goals with dates attached. If you want to get in shape, decide, for example, that you will be able to hike five miles by March 1st. Add a longer hike into your timeline for later in the year. Finally, make sure you hike Alum Cave or a similar, more challenging and scenic hike in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park before the year is through. If fitness is on your goal list, hit The Day Hiker in The Village Shops in Gatlinburg, Tennessee for trekking poles, daypacks and more. You’ll explore the Smokies in style. Find the right shoes for your walks in nature at The Hayloft Comfort Footwear, also in The Village. If you don’t live around here, rest assured, a quick internet search will yield state parks near you that you never knew existed. Time in nature is restorative for body AND soul.

2025 New Years Resolutions - Read Your Bible from Gods Corner
God’s Corner for 2025 Inspiration

As you meander about The Village, your new year in mind, remember, there is no new you without a spiritual reboot. God’s Corner has God’s Word, the Bible. It’s your ultimate destination for truth, peace, joy and life. Dive in! Don’t forget to join a bible study at the church of your choice so that you’ll have guidance and encouragement. Grab a journal for recording thoughts and prayers. This pursuit will dovetail with your efforts to get out and walk in nature.

Nearly every person you know tries to implement a healthier diet on New Year’s Day. The truth is, food is fuel, and what we hope to accomplish hinges in part on our energy level. Decide you will cook a certain number of nights per week, since you can control the ingredients in your own kitchen. Lean heavy on fresh meats and vegetables. Healthy does not have to mean bland. Hop on over to Zi Olive and The Spice and Tea Exchange® of Gatlinburg, both in The Village, and get what you need to add life to your life-giving foods. People who radically change their diets find that they never knew they could feel as energetic as they finally do, having tossed empty calories in favor of lean protein and the right grains and vegetables.

Self-care seems to have become a cringe-worthy term. It might even sound selfish. Peel away the first impressions and consider that the goals you mapped out for the new year are probably not exclusively about you. You most likely included doing a better job in your roles relating to the wellbeing of others. Sound right? Then consider that caring for yourself is a necessary underpinning for those goals. Go directly to Misty Mountain Soap Co. for bath products to soothe your soul at the end of every weary day. Add a candle from the Candle Cottage for ambiance and some jammies from The Lazy One and you are all set to get the daily reboot you’ll need to work toward each goal in the new year. Since all of these shops – and more! – are in The Village, you’ll add the relaxing day of shopping to your wonderful 2025 memories. Bring a friend with you! Take selfies! RELAX and ENJOY!

2025 New Years Resolutions - Relax in Warm PJs
Relaxation Wear from The Lazy One

The most important thing to remember as you head into 2025 is you must expect good things to happen. This attitude will fuel a “head down, hard work” ethic that will have you looking back on 12 months with joy. When we expect good things to happen, we are on the lookout for things to be thankful for. What a joyful way to live!